Mental Illness Education ACT
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Mental Illness Education ACT (MIEACT) is an esteemed organisation based in Canberra, focused on promoting mental health awareness and reducing stigma associated with mental illness. Since 2014, the Snow Foundation has proudly partnered with MIEACT, providing consistent financial backing to further their noteworthy cause. We support MIEACT's commitment to fostering healthier mental perspectives in our community, and one of the significant programs we sponsor is the 'Thriving Minds Program', an initiative designed to impart practical strategies to enhance mental well-being among adolescents. This program forms an integral part of MIEACT's broader vision to create a supportive environment for individuals suffering from mental illness, promoting understanding, empathy, and acceptance. We steadfastly believe in MIEACT's mission and look forward to continuing our partnership, creating a significant positive impact on mental health awareness and education within our community.
Year Commenced