Launched by YWCA Canberra on 6 May 2019, Rentwell connects Canberrans who are struggling to find an affordable home, with investment property owners who want to help the affordable housing crisis. It is the first charitable property management service in the ACT. The program manages and leases privately-owned investment properties at a below 75% market rate, the ACT Government has waived land tax and investment property owners receive tax-deductible gift receipt for any foregone rental income.
Rentwell significantly contributes to the affordable housing options in the ACT, building stronger communities and making Canberra a more inclusive city. Evidence shows that when people are securely housed they are able to maintain a more stable life.
Experience with Rentwell tenants to date, shows that rent is paid and the
properties maintained to a high standard. Rentwell tenants are not generally in need of ongoing support to maintain their tenancies. They lead conventional lives and only need to have secure affordable housing which allows them ongoing stability and certainty.
Year Commenced