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An update on the 2022 Snow Entrepreneurs

12 December 2022

In April 2022, we announced the inaugural eight Snow Entrepreneurs (‘Snowies’, as we call them). It’s been quite a ride, and we are so proud of what each and every one has achieved in such a short time.

The entrepreneurs quickly formed strong connections and started supporting each other with insights, and practical and emotional support.

Each entrepreneur has been matched with a mentor from the Social Impact Hub’s Professional Impact Network . The Snowies have valued having an independent, knowledgeable and supportive person who can help them navigate the opportunities, challenges and pressures of running a start-up.

Diagnostic sessions have been completed and several projects are now underway with Social Impact Hub consultants, like future org design, impact measurement and financial modelling.

Everybody is moving at an incredibly fast pace and we are very excited to be a part of that journey.  Already, three of the eight are raising impact investments (including from Snow Foundation):  More Good Days (raised a whopping $3m in venture capital), Kindship (raised more than $1m in crowd equity funding from more than 600 investors  – many of them parents of children with a disability, a strong endorsement from the community!) and Clean Slate Clinic (currently raising capital).

We are continuing to evolve the program, with one goal in mind: providing the right, tailored support when and where needed to enable each entrepreneur to take their early-stage social change initiative to the next level.

Look out for a new round of Snow Entrepreneur fellowships for opening up in 2023!

Testimonials from some of the Snowies:

Alongside the funding and accelerator support, having someone believe in you and back you is so powerful. Knowing we can move forward to build towards our vision with these resources and your support is like having a cheer squad to help you. Thank you!  Skye Riggs, Ripple

 An absolutely amazing experience – just the right balance of hands on support and recognizing the time constraints of the cohort, and a truly wonderful cohort to have been a part of. Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you! Pia Clinton-Tarestad, Clean Slate Clinic

 Building a business is often lonely and always hard. The Snow Entrepreneur program has taught me to embrace the struggle and find joy in the process. Your support has caused a chain reaction of extraordinary results. We feel better prepared than ever to give the impossible a go.  Loki Ball, Performl

Adam is the mentor I’ve been dreaming of.  He is always challenging what I’m thinking, yet supportive – it’s just what we needed.  Summer Petrosius, Kindship

In addition, venture capital fund Antler (whose Global Partner Ant Millet was one of the experts on our selection panel) has created a bespoke 12-week program based on their Antler Academy, consisting of pre-recorded content geared towards early-stage ventures plus group sessions with an Antler expert to discuss how this related to each individual situation.

Snow Entrepreneurs

Geoffrey Smith

Australian Spatial Analytics

Pia Clinton-Tarestad

Clean Slate Clinic

Joe Kwon

Confit Pathways

Summer Petrosius


Neala Fulia


Loki Ball


Skye Riggs

Ripple Opportunities

Jessica Brown

The Warrior Woman Foundation